Friday, 29 June 2012

A Lack of Momentum

I have not posted anything on this here blog for a good while now. This has been for a multitude of reasons. First off, I had exams which were, in my mind at least, a lot more important than debating politics or whatever other essentially trivial matters may have caught my fancy. Y'know, my future and all that.

Then I tried to write something, I really did. I have about four unpublished blogs staring at me out of my computer screen, all of which I started, but which then lost their appeal. I lost interest, I lost motivation, I lost my ability to create a coherent sentence. It kinda sucked. The subject of these posts ranges from Doctor Who to music to London to finishing compulsory education- which brings me on neatly to my next point.

After my exams were done, I had no will to do... anything, really. I was on study leave, but there was no more studying to be done. What to do? I asked myself. The best answer appeared to be to wake up a some point in the afternoon, not eat anything, and spend the time between leaving bed and rejoining it on the computer, playing games and watching Youtube videos. And that is the point I am at at this moment. 

As I type this, I have a video about how Snooki is a waste of space playing on the right-hand side of my screen, with this text box open on the left. My PS3 in on behind me, running Gran Turismo 5. My iTunes is currently paused from playing Pillars by Foreign Fields (you won't have heard of them) - but only because I am watching the aforementioned video. As soon as that is finished, the play button shall be pressed again.

This is a pretty boring-ass way to spend all your days. I needed something to break the endless monotony. Fortunately, help came in the form of friend, and fellow blogger, Floraidh (you can visit her page using this link). She has had the bright idea of bringing in her friends to write pieces for her blog, turning it into a sort of compendium of the thoughts and ideas that occur to those of a late-teenage disposition. And I was to be her guinea pig.

Well, this was something to get excited for! I had a goal, a purpose, and most importantly of all, a deadline. I wrote and wrote, my passion for blogging rekindled... until, that is, I finished. The post went up (and it was very popular, I don't mind telling you- read it here), and I was without a purpose once more.

So this is where this blog comes in. I am now making it my goal to post a blog at least once a week. Hopefully, this will galvanise me into a writing machine, positively churning out ideas and words onto the page. "What was that about unfinished posts? Well, consider them finished!" "You want a post about the state of the economy? In an hour? You got yourself a deal!"

...Or I'll just lapse into a creative coma, turning out post after post about cats. Or different kinds of rock.
I hope that doesn't happen.