Saturday, 12 May 2012

Twitter, And Why Some Beliebers Are Arseholes

Who wants to see a Twitter argument?
Okay, here it is:

LegendKidrauhl (tweeting generally): You miss being a Belieber so you came crawling back to Justin? Newsflash honey, Beliebers don't miss you and you can gladly fuck off.

frazzlecake96: @LegendKidrauhl I'm not a Belieber, but I don't think Justin would want you, as his 'fan', to act so vindictively towards others.

LegendKidrauhl: @frazzlecake96 I'm sorry, but I think you should actually know what's happening before judging me as his fan.

frazzlecake96: @LegendKidrauhl He made nu music, so ppl restartd listening to him yh? Why hate people purely b/c they like anothr artist as well as Justin?

LegendKidrauhl: @frazzlecake96 Lol, no. It's just this particular "DirectionTunes" who left Justin for One Direction, hated on him and now she's back.

frazzlecake96: @LegendKidrauhl but u saw tht pic of him DMing her- surely tht shows he dont mind, coz shes back now- why fight wars he dont want u 2 fight?

LegendKidrauhl (tweeting generally): Okay, stop with this DirectionTunes shit. She's getting the attention she wants. She will leave Justin sooner or later, again.

frazzlecake96: @LegendKidrauhl Like you're not asking for attention by extending this entire thing over several tweets? Hypocrisy at its finest...

I think I won.
The problem with these kinds of people is that, once they are set on an opinion, nothing will sway them from it- reasoning, common sense, a hit over the head with a saucepan, none of it works. I am sure that, were Justin Bieber aware of how this ignorant little girl was acting, he would not be best pleased. Then again, I don't care- I just wanted to start an argument and this LegendKidrauhl seemed like a prime target. I wasn't hating on Bieber (although he really does make the most boring pop music), I just thought she was being incredibly spiteful to this other girl who merely went off him for a while and then realised that she liked him again. It's a free world (mostly), and anyone can like whatever music they please, whenever they want to like it. But these people seem to think that that isn't true.
The part that really got me though, was when she said "Beliebers don't miss you and you can gladly fuck off." I don't think anyone listens to an artist or band purely to become part of the fanbase. If she wants to listen to generic pop music, let her listen! (And anyway, she went from Justin Bieber to One Direction- they're basically the same, there's just a higher number of lesbian lookalikes in 1D.)

(By the way, the only reason I follow LegendKidrauhl is because of all the ignorant bullshit that seems to spew from her keyboard. Here is an example: 
"50 Cent And Justin Bieber is still trending. Looks like the black community approves of Justin now." 
See what I mean?)

If there is one thing that sites like Twitter and Tumblr have done, it's made their users feel incredibly self-important. 
"Oh, I'll just retweet a GIF of Justin smiling, and loads of people will retweet and favourite it because they all love me and think I'm so cool."
Get a life.
Go outside, get friends that you don't solely communicate with over Twitter, stop posting about Justin Bloody Bieber every two minutes, and get a life.


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